Palash was a very spiritual man. In fact, he was a priest and a spiritual leader in his community. He revered the holy book of his traditional religion and would meditate on it daily. Palash’s life looked good and full from the outside. He was married, had two children and stayed busy with all his priestly duties. But he realized something was missing when he heard the name of Jesus being shared over loud speakers in his village.
A Different Kind of Spiritual Leader
Another man in Palash’s community also served as a spiritual leader, but this man loved and followed Christ. Gospel for Asia (GFA)-supported pastor Tahir discipled several groups of believers, and he took the love and compassion of Jesus with him wherever he went. Pastor Tahir and Palash lived in the same community, but with the population being around 2,000 people, the two men had never met.
Then one evening, Pastor Tahir hosted a Gospel for Asia (GFA)-supported mobile team. Palash and many others from the community curiously gathered to listen to the men from their own culture speak.
The mobile team performed songs and talked about the life of Jesus Christ. They shared from the Word of God about Jesus’ eternal love for all people, despite their sin, and His saving grace.
Palash had never heard teachings like these and he had never heard of Jesus, but the words shared by these men touched his heart. Through the mobile team, Palash heard the good news about Christ’s gift of life, and he wanted to know more.
Palash went forward for prayer. The team members prayed for him and offered him some literature to take with him and read. As he read through it, God continued working in his heart.
Redemption in Christ
After the mobile team left to minister in other villages, Pastor Tahir visited Palash in his home. He shared more about Jesus and gave the young man a New Testament to read. Palash began reading the holy, inspired words of God and attending the Sunday services at the local church.
The life and compassion of Jesus Christ deeply resonated within Palash. He realized all Jesus had done for him, and because of that, he made the choice to believe in Christ’s redemption.
A New Purpose
In the past, Palash spent his time meditating on the holy book of his traditional religion; he’d even read it to people cover to cover. But after reading and understanding the Word of God, Palash left his position as a priest in order to pursue Christ. He gave up his rituals and started working as a daily laborer to provide for his family.
Palash and his wife both responded to the hope found in Jesus, and they consistently began attending the local church led by Pastor Tahir. There they came to a greater understanding of who Jesus is and were nurtured with christlike love by the church family.
Read about another spiritual leader whose life was transformed.
I am amazed by what God has done for these missionaries in their own land. I want to know how to contribute to this cause.
Palash’s story is inspiring.
Very uplifting and praising God for salvation.
You can sponsor a national missionary. It takes so little to be a blessing to the people of South Asia.